I am pretty sure there is something else that I could be doing….

Hello, welcome to my blog.  This is something that I have been working very hard at not doing for quite some time. The real reason that I have not been able to start a blog yet is {it does not really matter, just put in anything you want}. But seriously I am pretty busy.  I don’t know how, but for some reason I am still able to find time to watch movies and TV, play video games, hang out with friends, and eat lots of food.  The things that I do not seem to have time for are work projects, school, taxes, and going to the dentist.  This blog will be dedicated to postponing school work until the last possible minute.  If you are in graduate school, then you might be able to find something here to help you.  I cannot guarantee that I will post anything on this blog.  I can guarantee that I intend to have a lot of great ideas and great posts…you get what I mean.  I have to go now because I have a game of Solitaire going right now and I won’t be able to sleep if I don’t finish it. BRNYDAQ66TYH

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